There’s no bad time to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, as every season of the year has its benefits and drawbacks. But as autumn comes into full swing, let’s talk about the 10 best reasons why you should have a fall B Mitzvah!
1. Kick off the school year
By the time June rolls around, most kids are burnt out from their year of school. By having your B Mitzvah in the fall, you’re guaranteeing that everyone will be full of energy and excitement for the new school year and party season.
Wondering who from school you should invite to your Mitzvah? Click here to read our thoughts.
2. Good weather
Depending on what part of the country you’re in, crisp fall weather can be a highlight of your Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The summer heat has died down, and the snowy season (hopefully) has yet to begin, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities and festivities.
3. Colors
The prettiest part of fall? The foliage, of course! The natural beauty of the changing leaves can inspire awe, wonder, and translate to the perfect party color palette. Fiery reds, burnt oranges, and sunshine yellows combine to create a gorgeous color scheme that can be easily replicated in your B Mitzvah’s color scheme.
Check out our list of vendors who can help you pick out the perfect color scheme for your party.
4. Near the Jewish New Year
Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, is considered one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar, and it usually takes place in September or October. The month that follows Rosh HaShanah is chock full of holidays and celebrations, making it an ideal time to throw a party to match!
5. Pumpkin and apple flavored everything
Pumpkin spice flavor makes its inevitable return every September, and we’re not mad about it. Coffee, desserts, even pasta dishes can all incorporate the tastes of fall! A table of pumpkin and apple pies for guests to nosh on is a great way to get fall flavors in your party. You can even light scented candles around your party for an immersive, sensory fall experience.
6. Fun activities
Who doesn’t love fall activities? Apple picking, hay rides, corn mazes, county fairs, and petting zoos are all great ideas for a nontraditional B Mitzvah party, and they can accommodate many guests at once. You could even go a different route and have a costume party if your big day is close to Halloween. The options are endless!
7. DIY Projects
Autumn is arguably the best season for DIY-lovers. Making prints with leaves, painting plastic pumpkins, baking something delicious… The list of possible crafts and projects goes on and on. Save money on centerpieces and decorations for your party by DIYing your decor and turning your venue into an autumnal wonderland.
We talk more about fun and unique DIY projects and favors here.
8. Get a cool Torah portion
If your B Mitzvah is right after Simchat Torah, the holiday celebrating the receipt of the Torah by the ancient Jewish people, odds are that you’ll get assigned an exciting Torah portion for your big day. After Simchat Torah, we start the Torah from the beginning, meaning the next few weeks feature the story of Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, and more of the most famous and well-known tales to come from the Torah.
9. Cozy gifts
Sure, a T-shirt is nice. But nothing beats a soft, cozy hoodie, a comfy pair of sweatpants, or big fleece blanket. With the temperatures cooling down in the fall time, it’s the perfect excuse to give out the comfiest swag at your B Mitzvah. Whenever guests think back to your big day, they’ll feel all warm and fuzzy (pun intended)!
These are our favorite vendors who can make your cozy favor wishes come true!
10. Feels like family
Between Rosh HaShanah and Thanksgiving taking place just weeks apart from each other, fall is often seen as a time for family and hominess. Capitalizing off that feeling, hosting a B Mitzvah in between will let you forever associate this time of year even more closely with family, friends, and good memories.
By Vered Ornstein