Self-Care Tips for the Mitzvah Parent | MitzvahMarket | MitzvahMarket

Self-Care Tips for the Mitzvah Parent

Self-Care Tips for the Mitzvah Parent

Jewish parents look forward to their child’s B Mitzvah from the day they bring the baby home from the hospital. An ancient tradition, B Mitzvahs come with lots of anticipation, planning, and in turn, stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the planning process, consider these self-care tips that will help you manage your stress and anxiety as the day approaches.


  1. Plan and Budget in Advance

One of the most stressful aspects of planning any big event is managing the timeline and finances. Going in without a plan, you may find costs piling up and small details creeping in at the last minute. When unforeseen events throw a wrench into your budget or timeline, you may experience undue stress, which only makes planning more difficult. Set your budget and timeline well in advance of your date to mitigate any last-minute surprises or stressors. 


Check out our advice on budgeting and our Mitzvah costs checklist to help get you started.


  1. Do Something with Your Hands

Research has shown that working with your hands is a great way to destress, decrease anxiety, and can even help you brainstorm and think more clearly. In the weeks and months leading up to your child’s B Mitzvah, try to commit to a few sessions of hands-on time a week. You could do a puzzle, draw or paint, bake a treat, and so many more options. To turn this de-stressing time into something productive for your party, try doing a DIY project with your child, such as making centerpieces or name cards. Marry relaxation, crafting, and bonding with your teen all into one!


  1. Book a Beauty Appointment

Looking our best can help us feel our best, too. No matter your gender, a good spa day can really hit the spot. Especially in the time right before the B Mitzvah when stress is at its highest, book yourself an appointment at a med or beauty spa. A massage, facial, foot rub, or manicure may be just what you need to release some pent-up tension. Be sure to treat yourself and take relaxing breaks so you can be at your best for the monumental moments.


  1. Ask For Help

We all want to be superheroes and do everything ourselves. Asking for help can be hard, especially if you can’t even figure out what you need help with. Being a part of a community with many parents in the same situation as you will help you identify and feel supported in your needs and wants for your child’s B Mitzvah. It’s okay to admit when you need help, either by collaborating with friends and family or hiring one of our favorite party planners.


Be sure to join our local Facebook groups to get advice from other planning parents and vendors in your area.


  1. Remember the Joy

We know how stressful planning a B Mitzvah can be, and at some points, you may question why you’re even putting yourself through it. Remember the core of what a B Mitzvah is about- celebrating your child’s movement into adulthood. This should be a day of pride, love, and joy. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and think about how worth it it will be to see your child thrive.


By Vered Ornstein

Posted in Mitzvah Advice

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