By Tara Silberg
It’s Tara, telling YOU what’s happening on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit today.
As many of you may know from my last post, my Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit is slowly coming to a close. It’s been great and I have made memories that will last a lifetime. I would like to say thank you to everyone that has read my posts or supported my writing.
Although I’ve written about Mitzvah style, photo favors, cakes, unique entertainment, candle lighting and more….I wanted to end my series with one more party that was extra special.
My best friend (and cousin), Julia Goldsmith, became a Bat Mitzvah this past November. She wore a gorgeous pink dress, custom made at Pink Domino in Massachusetts.
Besides the great DJ, ample amount of delicious food, and stunning centerpieces, the one thing that stood out to me was the amount of support from Julia’s friends.
One couldn’t even imagine the heartfelt speeches, gifts, and love received by Julia. Personally, my favorite part of the night was when a few of Julia’s closest guy friends got up on stage and sang to her. The emotions going through me at that moment were indescribable.
The boys sang acapella Baby by Justin Bieber while Julia sat comfortably grinning at their talent. From what I saw, her smile couldn’t have been any larger or brighter. Success!
Julia is serenaded by some friends
Hope everyone has a nice holiday season and a wonderful winter.
Tara with her friend Julia
About Tara Silberg
I’m in 8th grade at Jericho Middle School and I love art. When I say art, I’m talking about photography, painting, and drawing. I also love music. When I feel stressed, I listen to my iPod to calm down. I will most likely attend between 60-70 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs before I finish 8th grade. I’m excited to be reporting from “The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Circuit” for Mitzvah Market.com.
Editor’s Note: We thank Tara for reporting “on the circuit” for MitzvahMarket.com for the past year. She was also just named to the advisory board of Your Teen – congratulations!
If your child is in 7th grade and would like to file reports “on the circuit”, let us know at info@mitzvahmarket.com and we will send details of what is involved.