By Tara Silberg
It’s Tara, telling YOU what’s happening on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit today. Last time my post was about the candle lighting ceremony and today it is all about photo favors!
Although many of the Bar/Bat Mitzvahs I’ve been attending have a photographer taking pictures of the guests in front of a screen, many of the parties have had other ideas too.
I thought I would share two that I thought were very cool!
Last year, I attended a Bat Mitzvah that appeared to have a normal photo booth. When you entered, there were 2 screens. On one of the screens, you could see yourself about to take a photo. On the screen below that, the character of your choice would suggest poses to do. In addition to all that, wind was blown throughout the booth so your hair would look, well, windblown.
More on this booth here
Another common “photobooth” is in fact no booth at all. Instead of looking straight ahead at the camera, you look up. So far, I’ve seen a custom bed that went along with the theme of the party and also a couch in the shape of a “T” for the girl’s name.
Coco Events provided the photo booth area for this Bat Mitzvah. M Studio Events set up the couch in the shape of a “T” for the Bat Mitzvah girl’s first name with a camera set up above – a big hit!
I feel that these two are great choices if you are looking to wow your guests. There are so many creative ways to incorporate photos into your own party.
That’s all for this post. More to come on the circuit soon!
About Tara Silberg
I’m in 7th grade at Jericho Middle School and I love art. When I say art, I’m talking about photography, painting, and drawing. I also love music. When I feel stressed, I listen to my iPod to calm down. I will most likely attend between 60-70 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs before I finish 8th grade. I’m excited to be reporting from “The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Circuit” for Mitzvah Market.com.