Sarah Merians Photography & Video: Mitzvah Props | MitzvahMarket | MitzvahMarket

Sarah Merians Photography & Video: Mitzvah Props

Sarah Merians Photography & Video: Mitzvah Props

Sarah Merians Photography & Video Company has grown into so much more than simply snapping a photo. The “&” in their name represents the company they are today.

They want to be in their clients’ lives for a lifetime, as opposed to just one event. This special relationship they foster with all of their clients, in addition to the wide range of products they create and services they offer, is what sets them apart.

With 28 years of experience, they have seen it all! They know there are so many wonderful elements that make up your child’s Bar Bat Mitzvah. Families have fun planning the party, the theme and room décor, but one of the most important parts of the Bar Bat Mitzvah is the religious component for your child at their service.

Watching with pride as your son or daughter recites their Torah and Haftorah portions on the bimah is what it’s really all about.

Sarah and her team have taken the time to capture and document special Bar Bat Mitzvah props. Everything from yarmulkes to Yads (Torah pointers) and tallit.

We hope this gallery of religious Mitzvah props gives you some ideas on how to create your own unique family traditions. To see more click here.


They know that some of their clients purchase these gifts in Israel while on a family vacation and others have items needle pointed by family members

Some are handed down from generation to generation and some are the start of a new family tradition


There are also Temples in New York that have their students make their own Yads as part of the Hebrew School curriculum

To learn more about Sarah Merians Photography & Video Company, visit their extended profile page in our Vendor Directory.

Posted in Mitzvah Ideas, Judaica, Mitzvah Ideas, Photography/Videography/Montage