Chloe Cornell is a 7th grader who lives in Armonk, New York and will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah in March, 2015. She loves tennis, soul cycle, fashion and is also our teen blogger for Mitzvah Market.
Chloe and a friend founded the company #kindnessistherealcool for their Mitzvah Project, and invites everyone to visit them on Instagram @kindnessistherealcool and join the movement.
We spoke to Chloe to learn more about her Mitzvah Project that supports Stomp Out Bullying which is considered the most influential anti-bully and cyber bully organization in the United States.
MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project?
CC: It is a movement to promote and celebrate kindness and acceptance in our society. I created a trademarked logo and designed a product line to raise money for Stomp Out Bullying. We sell t-shirts, hats, bracelets, water bottles and stickers from the Website www.kindnessistherealcool.com. I also have an Instagram account where I post inspirational quotes about kindness, photos of products for sale, and suggestions of kind acts.
MM: Does your project have a start and end date, if so what are they?
CC: The project began in November 2014, and I hope to continue it for a long time.
MM: Why did you decide to take on this particular project?
CC: Middle School is known to be a difficult time in people’s lives and bullying is a hot topic for tweens and teens. In addition, there is a lot of hate around the world, so I thought that promoting kindness and helping people who suffered from bullying would be a timely and important cause.
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bat Mitzvah?
CC: Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means becoming an adult in the Jewish religion. One of the most important parts of being a Jew is to do mitzvahs/give charity. To me, doing a Mitzvah Project shows that I am ready to be considered an “adult” in the Jewish community.
MM: If it involves a donation, what are you doing to spreading the word?
CC: I am sending an email out to our friends and neighbors and have friends and family helping to spread the word. People can go on my Website at www.kindnessistherealcool.com. I also have an instagram account @kindnessistherealcool.
MM: For how long can people donate to this charity?
CC: I hope to keep this ongoing as long as people will donate! I would love for other people to join as kindness ambassadors, to help sell our product, and spread the word.
We thank Chloe for sharing their Mitzvah Project with our readers.