Hannah Sloane from Mamaroneck, New York will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah on December 3, 2011 and is busy working on two separate Mitzvah Projects.
One is called, Duct Designs and will benefit her school system, Mamaroneck Public Schools and the other project she is calling, The Joy Of Baking and is doing this through Give A Mitzvah/Do A Mitzvah project with UJA-Federation of New York.
Pictured L-R: Molly and Hannah Sloane. Molly, her sister is helping with the projects.
We spoke with her to get more information on both projects:
MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project Duct Designs?
HS: My sister and I started designing and making flower duct tape pencils over the summer and started using them in school. Everybody wanted them so I decided to take on a few friends to help us and make it a real business.
Hannah showing off her duct tape designed pencils!
MM: Why did you decide to take on this particular project?
HS: My money will benefit the Mamaroneck Schools Foundation, which buys things for the school such as Smart Boards, which will encourage kids to learn. Also I am donating money to my school’s Service Club which raises money to send to areas in need such as Japan after the earthquake.
MM: What are you doing to spread the word?
HS: I’ve starting selling at the local stationary store, our pencils range in price from $2 -$4 and I am now working on a Website. Also just using them in school is great advertising.
MM: Please tell us about your other project.
HS: In addition to my duct tape project, Donna Divon ([email protected]) of the Westchester office for Give a Mitzvah/Do a Mitzvah with UJA-Federation of New York created a special project for me that combines my love of baking and giving back to help those less fortunate.
MM: Tell us what you are doing?
HS: I love to bake, so for my Mitzvah Project, I have decided to bring my love of baking to kids who are less fortunate. I will be visiting the Pleasantville Cottage School in Northern Westchester each month and baking cupcakes to bring to the kids. I want to get to know the kids at the cottage and share my love of baking with them. I also want to purchase basic baking supplies (including mixers, bowls, spoons, etc.) for each of the cottages, so the kids living there can learn to bake for themselves and each other. I hope it creates a bond between them and gives them the sense of accomplishment I feel when I bake.
PCS is a residential treatment center, which cares for 118 emotionally troubled youngsters. Most children come to the Cottage because their families are unable to manage them or because they have been neglected, abused, and traumatized.
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
HS: I am so excited for my Bat Mitzvah and I feel so fortunate to have the support of my family and friends, which not everybody has.
We thank Hannah for sharing her creative project with our readers. It’s another great example of how you can take your own talents and put them to use for a good cause!