Danielle Klaskin from Madison, Connecticut celebrated her Bat Mitzvah in May, 2011 and had a delicious way to help raise money for her Mitzvah Project.
We spoke with her to learn more about her project and how you can help:
MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project?
DK: For my Mitzvah Project, I made Matzah Crunch, a delicious chocolate and caramel treat that tastes like toffee.
MM: Which charity is benefitting from your project?
DK: My Mitzvah Project is to raise money for the Coordinating Council for Children in Crisis, or the C.C.C.C., which is located in New Haven, Connecticut.
MM: Why did you decide to take on this particular project?
DK: For my Mitzvah Project, I wanted to help kids who live near me who are less fortunate than me. Also this organization not only helps people in crisis but also helps families learn how to avoid getting into trouble.
Danielle Klaskin and her Matzah Crunch
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bat Mitzvah?
DK: Doing a Mitzvah Project for my Bat Mitzvah means that I’m honoring the Jewish commandment of Tikkun Olam, “to repair the world.”
MM: If it involved a donation, how did you get the word out?
DK: We got the word out by putting up and handing out posters, used the temple list serve, local newspapers, local online newspaper, email blasts and on Facebook.
Here is the flyer created to help drum up business
MM: Anything else we need to know about your Mitzvah Project?
DK: In addition to the Matzah Crunch sales, I also convinced a local restaurant to donate sales from their carousel ticket sales from one day to my charity. In total I raised $1,250.00 for the C.C.C.C.
MM: If readers would like to still donate, can they?
DK: Yes they can donate directly to Coordinating Council for Children in Crisis or call for volunteer information at 203-624-2600.
Thanks Danielle for sharing your project with our readers!