The Warter family from Livingston, New Jersey, celebrated son Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah on October 12, 2013, with a ceremony at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey, and the reception the next day at Cedar Hill Country Club also in Livingston, New Jersey.
As the family tells Mitzvah Market, they wanted to celebrate the miracle and blessing of Ryan turning 13. At first they were not sure how to create a Bar Mitzvah for a child with special needs, but once committed, they took it head on. They wanted Ryan to experience it all and he sure did!
Pictured L-R: Dad Oren, Brother Jake, Bar Mitzvah boy Ryan, Mom Barbara and Brother Zachary.
The photographer was Dina Bustin Photography and the rest of the vendor spotlight is listed at the end of the spotlight.
When Ryan was born he had many medical problems. While he continues to live with more challenges than most of us could imagine, nothing stops Ryan. He is a smart, funny kid who loves a good party, so that is exactly how they celebrated…with a great party!
The family had fun taking advantage of a photo op on the lawn of the golf course
To honor Ryan and celebrate their family, a small and intimate afternoon service was held at Temple B’nai Abraham. Rabbi Kulwin and Cantor Epstein worked incredibly well with Ryan to make his Bar Mitzvah a success. Since Ryan communicates in sign language, the Warters customized a one-of-a-kind service. Everything from signing and singing the blessings, to having a guitar player accompany the Cantor. All family members and many friends were included in the service.
Ryan held the torah
Julie Maloof Designs created this special invitation. The front had all of Ryan’s service and party information.
The flip side included all of Ryan’s interests and adjectives describing him
Ryan and his brothers were ready to party in their outfits from 580 South.
These handsome boys know how to work it!
The logo created by LikeWear, reflected Ryan’s lovable personality and payed homage to Ryan’s language, American Sign Language, by incorporating the “I Love You” hand sign in place of the “W” for his RWB logo.
One of the centerpieces that displayed Ryan’s cool logo
Personalized photo pillows from a pre-Bar Mitzvah photo shoot looked great on the white lounge furniture
Ryan made his grand entrance on the shoulders of the dancers.
Ryan and his guests were all smiles
Since Ryan loves dancing and being the center of attention, EJ the DJ, MC Kershel and his entire crew made that happen! Amazing music and positive vibes flowed all night long.
The family showed-off their dance moves
Ryan and brother Zachary
Ryan was the center of all the action
High-Fives for everyone
The family made a scrapbook so Ryan could match the personalized messages with pictures of guests.
Claudia from It Could Be Verse created the candle lighting puzzle which featured a younger photo of Ryan.
Ryan pictured with his candle lighting puzzle
Family and friends gathered around Ryan when he lit the candles
Ryan and Mom Barbara lit the candles
Ryan shared many special moments with his parents during the party.
A great hug from Mom
Always the jokester with dad
EJ the DJ provided the great photo favors.
Ryan loves seeing himself in pictures, he looked great!
Ryan and brother Zachary signing together
The favors from LikeWear were T-shirts with Ryan’s logo on the front and the words describing his likes and personality on the back.
Each favor bag had Ryan’s awesome logo
The back of the favors were just like the back of the invitations
Guests were treated to an awesome candy bar at the end of the evening.
The family formed Ryan’s Team and participated in the Friendship Circle Walk on October 21, 2013, to raise awareness and support for The Friendship Circle and Life Town, a community center being built for children with special needs in Livingston, New Jersey. In commemoration, something in the center will be named in honor of Ryan’s project. To read more about Ryan’s Mitzvah project, click here.
Some advice from Mom Barbara:
“Don’t sweat the small stuff. It is important to think of a lot of details, but keep things in perspective. Think about your child and what they need or want, since after all, this celebration is for them! Celebrate with good friends. Love your family. Be in the moment. Count your blessings. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.”
The following vendors helped to make Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah special. If you call any of them, please let them know you read about them on MitzvahMarket.com.
Temple: B’nai Abraham, 973-994-2290
Venue: Cedar Hill Country Club, 973-992-4700
Party Planners: Mom and brothers Zack and Jake
Music Entertainment/Videographer/Extra Entertainment: MC Kershel, EJ the DJ, 800-358-4335
Photographer: Dina Bustin Photography, 917-593-5165
Logo/Favor person: LikeWear, 973-535-5654
Invitation: Julie Maloof Designs, 973-615-6952
Candle Lighting puzzle board: Claudia, It Could be Verse, 732-679-8093
Candy Table: Mom Barbara
Dresses for family members: Bloomingdales and Nordstrom
Suits for family members: 580 South, 973-758-0580
Hair/makeup: Dieci Spa 973-716-0101