The Brett family celebrated their son Jake’s Bar Mitzvah at Bridgeview Yacht Club in Island Park, New York. They wanted an urban cool vibe at the evening celebration and with the help of some creative Mitzvah vendors, their theme worked out perfectly.
We want to thank the Bretts for sharing their ideas with our Mitzvah Market readers.
All party photography was done by Simphonic Events.
Pictured (L-R) Dad Steve, Bar Mitzvah boy Jake, big brother Jordan and Mom Sue. Sue found her Mandalay dress at Eleanor Schain – it was the first one she tried on!
The party was held at Bridgeview Yacht Club with the kids cocktail hour outside due to the beautiful weather.
The young guests enjoying the outdoor space at Bridgeview Yacht Club
The adult cocktail hour featured this “Jake” ice sculpture
We have talked about this idea in the past, but the Brett’s put a new spin on it! They took Jake’s bedroom closet door off the hinges and brought it to the party. Simphonic Events arranged to have a graffiti artist decorate the door during the cocktail hour and then guests could sign-in!
The closet door before…
Guests watching the artist at work
The closet door with signatures from the party and ready to be taken home and re-hung in Jake’s room!
Stefan’s did a great job of transforming the space into an urban feel. The centerpieces set the mood and were quite unique.
Actual chains hung from the large lamp
Other tables centerpieces featured these calla lily flowers
A large JRB sign hung above the entrance to the party room
Posters of Jake, like the one below taken by Simphonic Events lined the hallway leading into the ballroom
Jake did a photo shoot at a legal graffiti park in Long Island City to get these cool blow-ups
The Brett family used Darlene Barzilay for their invitations. They selected dark chocolate brown with a light blue boarder and a striped envelope liner.
Simphonic Events arranged to have an airbrush artist customize flip-flops and hats for the young guests. They also did photo favors with personalized photo CD covers.
The airbrush artist hard at work
The flip-flops and hats
As young guests left the party, they were given their take-home favor. Above are the boy and girl version of the flannel pj bottoms designed and created by Jake Mandel at www.jinkel.com
EJ The DJ provided the musical entertainment with CL as the MC. Guests were on the dance floor the entire night!
Jake makes his entrance being carried in on a couch by the EJ The DJ dancers
At some point during the celebration, Jake and the dancers changed into these logo’ed T-shirts
There were many special touches used during Jake’s Bar Mitzvah celebration. Some were planned and some like the below, were spontaneous!
Mitzvah Dad Steve taking the “horah” to new heights!
Mitzvah Mom Sue came up with this great idea. To keep the “urban” feel going, as guests left their party, they could take candy from these lined garbage pails and scoop them into logo’ed candy bags
When it came to the place cards, Mitzvah Mom Sue had an idea of what she wanted. She bought supplies at Michael’s for about $30 and with the help of a friend, created her own!
Stephan’s designed the place card table to appear as if the cards were on top of grass
When it came time for the candle lighting, guests were in for a treat. Instead of a traditional cake, a large picture of the NYC skyline was unveiled. Each time a guest was honored with a “candle,” Jake would ask them to join him by reading a poem and one of the buildings would lite up the city skyline.
This large piece of lite-up artwork was created by Simphonic Events. It now hangs in Jake’s room. To learn how this was created, click here
Mitzvah Mom Sue has now successfully planned both her son’s Bar Mitzvah celebrations. She has this advice for our readers.
“I happened to love all the planning! Enjoy the process, it can be very fun. I would suggest making lists and more lists because there is so much to organize. Do something personal, I loved making the seating cards with a great friend because it felt more personal and I was proud that we were so creative. Most of all, enjoy all the family and friends who are there to celebrate with your family. That is the best feeling!”
Here are the Vendor’s who made Jake’s Bar Mitzvah special. If you call any of them, please let them know you read about their services on MitzvahMarket.com.
Venue: Bridgeview Yacht Club 516-432-2400
Photographer/Videographer/Candlelighting/Sign-in board: Simphonic Events
Airbrush favors: Simon Miller Simphonic Events 516-660-1812
Florist: Stefans 516-239-2402
Music Entertainment: CL at EJ The DJ 800-EJTHEDJ
Invitations: Darlene Barzilay 516-681-4602
Favors: Jake Mandel www.jinkel.com 516-499-7214
Mitzvah Mom Dress: Eleanor Schain 718-444-4253
Bulk Candy: Lauren at Sweet City Candy 866-971-3360