Planning a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah celebration can be stressful with many decisions that need to be made. Usually you start by creating a guest list, so you can select an appropriate Bar or Bat Mitzvah venue. From there, you need to select a DJ, Photographer, & Invitation expert. Once you get closer to your date, you will select the party extras, favors and additional entertainment.
It’s a milestone event that will be shared with family and friends and remembered for years to come.
We have found that many families get creative ideas when they read about how others celebrated. The following families celebrated their child’s Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah on Long Island. We hope these Mitzvah Family Spotlight stories give you inspiration for your child’s party.
The Horowitz Family – Logan’s Bar Mitzvah celebrated his love of LAX as well as the last celebration of 2019.
The Feirman family was totally “Feirless” at Jared’s Bar Mitzvah
The Gold family – Everyone had “Gold Vibes” at Lizzie’s Bat Mitzvah
The Roth family– Research and planning ahead made Charlotte’s Bat Mitzvah CRazy!
The Waxer family – Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah was “Sealed with a Kiss”
The Barnett family – Jadon was the King of this Bar Mitzvah court
The Fischer family – Gabriella had a “Gabulous” night celebrating her love of fashion, glamour and all things pink
The Mazarita family – Madison’s Bat Mitzvah celebrated her love for candy
The Grishman family – Celebrated Sydney in style
The Garelick family – Celebrated the B’not Mitzvah of their 2 girls who just love to party
The Pernick family – It was a star studded Hollywood celebration for Molly
The Weinstein family – It was a colorful backyard Bat Mitzvah with a Baked by Melissa theme for Meira
The Tashlik family – Celebrated with an ZO awesome theme
The Surprise Bar Mitzvah – No one could believe what Mom Leslie pulled off
The Krauss family – It was a golf theme for Preston
The Grunberg family – This huge baseball fan used his Jersey number “25” to brand his Bar Mitzvah party
The Maskell family – Bat Mitzvah girl Dylan wanted plenty of teal!
The Gruber family – “Mason Nation” was a clever spin on “Steelers Nation”
The Perchekly family – Gabby loves to dance and the family loves a good party, so combining the two was a great way to celebrate
The Weinhaus family – Jason is the ultimate sports enthusiast!
The Pollack family – Lindsey didn’t necessarily want a theme, but knew she wanted a color scheme, a cool logo and lots of candy!
The Herschkowitz family – For this NBA theme of National Blake Association, there was a visit from one of the New York Knick’s former all-star MVPs!
Would you like your child’s celebration spotlighted on MitzvahMarket.com? More information on how this works here.
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