Let your Bar and Bat Mitzvah guests know about your child’s upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah Zoom service, Micro Mitzvah, drive-by parade and much more using APP all about it!
At APP all about it, they create a shareable, interactive custom app that is personalized with all your important Bar or Bat Mitzvah service and celebration specifics. Everything will be at your Bar Bat Mitzvah guests’ fingertips!

APP all about it will design, set up/code, upload and maintain each individual app. They will also make sure the app is personally sent to each guest using the contact list supplied by the family. Additions, changes and reminders for your event can be sent out as push notifications easily keeping all guest up-to-date.

They offer 3 different package levels, depending on the amount of features requested, at 3 different price points. Learn more by visiting their extended profile page in our Vendor Directory.