Have you heard about MitzvahOrganizer.com created by the team at Mitzvah Market?
Mitzvah Organizer enables you to organize all the details of your celebration, guest lists, seating arrangements, invitations, favors, transportation, honors, candle lighting and more. Since it is in the cloud, you can use it from your office, tablet or phone. Your whole team can collaborate: party planners, grandparents, even your spouse.
This new tool truly Simplifies Your Simcha!
Everything you need is here! In one, well-organized planner, you will have access to a budget planner, guest list management system and your celebration details plus much more!
The team behind MitzvahMarket.com knows what’s involved when it comes to planning your child’s Bar Bat Mitzvah celebration. Many of us have been through it more than once or are in the throws of planning.
“Thank you so much for creating this much needed service. It is helping me immensely. I love how it is assisting me in the organization and planning of our daughter’s upcoming Bat Mitzvah. I really appreciate that I can access it anywhere I go. It is very easy to use. I can toss out most of my notes and lists on paper I have been accumulating which is great. I am so impressed with the outstanding level of customer service. I had a few questions that your staff answered quickly and in a way that was so easy to understand and apply. Overall, I am truly enjoying using the organizer. Thank you!”
— Tracy Jankowitz, Chicago
“Having never planned a Bat Mitzvah before, your software was a true life saver. It helped me stay organized, generate lists for all of my vendors as well as monitor my budget. Our Bat Mitzvah was this past Saturday and I’m now onto the last stage with organizing the gifts for the thank you cards. Thank you, your program helped me stay sane!”
— Ellen L, Fairfield, Connecticut
“Mitzvah organizer was a huge help! The overall best feature is that I was able to access it from anywhere. I didn’t have to carry around papers with lists. The table seating feature was awesome. It helped me to make adult tables and move people around easily. I loved that I could print out lists of adults and kids that I was able to use for so many things. It kept an easy record of responses. I was surprised at the end when I entered in the gifts that it actually totaled the money as we entered. The budget planning and expense features were also really helpful. With all the money spent planning a Bar Mitzvah, this is a definite no brainer. Everyone should be using Mitzvah Organizer!”
— Heather H, – Jericho, New York
“I’ve just started using the Mitzvah Organizer for my sons bar mitzvah in May, 2015. Let me first tell you that this is not my first time hosting a Bar Mitzvah! Having done the first one the traditional way (3-ring binder and spreadsheets), the Mitzvah Organizer is great!! My favorite part is the guest coordination tools. I love that I can look at who is invited to what events!! It makes it so easy!! I’m looking forward to using it to manage my invitations and rsvp’s!”
— Lisa B, Doylestown, PA
“The Mitzvah Organizer has been such a great help in planning my son’s Bar Mitzvah. The reports have made it so easy to order everything from invitations to party favors. I love that the organizer asks what size party favors to order for each guest and also keeps track of the amount of each size party favor I need to order. Being able to access the organizer on the Web allows me to update what I need through my cell phone. Using the Mitzvah Organizer has kept me organized!”
— Robin G. Old Tappan, New Jersey
“When planning our older daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, I actually posted on Facebook asking if anyone knew of a Bat Mitzvah planning website. Most people laughed. Fast forward one year and I am enjoying using your Mitzvah Organizer for our younger daughter’s Bat Mitzvah. Thank you.”
— Dara C, Hollywood, FL
“Great system to get our event running smoothly.”
— Andy H, Chattanooga, Tennessee
“I couldn’t get through my planning without Mitzvah Organizer, I’m obsessed!”
— Carolyn S, New Rochelle, NY
Based on all the terrific feedback from MitzvahOrganizer.com users, here are some improvements we have made to our system:
– Improved table assignments so now when you hover over a name it will show up fully in a bubble, allowing you to get a complete sense of who is sitting where.
– Improved labels for invitations. Line them up however you like. Whether it’s left justified, centered or all the way right.
– Added Canadian provinces to the “State” selection dropdown on all pages.
– Speed improvements for Invitations, RSVP, and Gifts worksheet pages.
– Added addresses to Thank You Owed report.
– Added total breakdown by guest type to RSVP Who is coming for each event report.
– Added ability to select Children, Adults, or all guests to the RSVP Who is coming for each event report.
– Added total breakdown by guest type to the Who has not RSVP’d yet report.
– Revised Password Reset process for easier resets.
– Added internal security enhancements.
– Fixed other minor bugs.
Check out MitzvahOrganizer.com, get your $10 off coupon and order today!