Displaying yarmulkes for your guests at your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah service can be a creative project for you and your child or another detail that can be handled by your florist and/or party planner.
It’s easy to do yourself, if you can find the time!
Many families find a cute chest, basket or box and attach their child’s invitation. This is especially important if you are sharing your service with another family. Your guests will know which basket to grab a yarmulke from.
You can decorate the basket with colors to coordinate with your invitation. The basket is usually placed in the lobby convenient to all your guests as they enter the sanctuary.
Don’t forget the bobby pins and/or clips!
Here are some examples below:
From the Goldenberg Bar Mitzvah, this family framed their invitation and placed it along side their custom made service programs, yarmulkes and ladies head coverings
Ivory flowers with ribbon adorned this basket of gold yarmulkes from Simply Invitations and Party Planning
If you don’t want to “do it yourself,” here’s a great basket from That One Special Touch
The Rofe Family did a beautiful job displaying their yarmulkes along with the invitation and giving a bit of a hint on Kara’s art theme
A close friend of the family created this display for the Davidovich Family. It included a selection of yarmulkes in a Fall motif basket along with the invitation
Custom white linen yarmulkes with orange trim on a silver tray from Linzi Events
A nice presentation of the yarmulkes, programs and a collage of old photos showing the Bat Mitzvah girl’s parents when they celebrated their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs from Chuck Robertson Photography
Did you have a creative way to display your yarmulkes? Let us know at info@mitzvahmarket.com.