If you have landed on this page, you must love Mitzvah Market and are interested in learning more about our Mom-Bassador program and how you can “Mom It Forward!” to your family and friends and those in your community. We know how stressful this process can be, but we are in this together and love bringing our readers the best ideas for all aspects of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration.
What are Mom-Bassadors?
Let’s be honest, it is usually the Moms who are doing the research for their child’s celebration and are the primary planner! With our Mom-Bassador program, you can help others with their Bar Bat Mitzvah planning by helping to spread the word about us. Share our ideas and inspire hundreds of families to take these ideas and make them their own.
What would you do?
As a Mom-Bassador, you would “Mom It Forward” by spreading the word about Mitzvah Market (our Website, e-newsletters, annual magazine, Celebrate! Party Showcases and Mitzvah Organizer) to your circle of friends via email and on your social media platforms. We will give you a unique link to share with your friends that will keep track of how many have signed-up for our newsletters because of you. We know you are attending many Bar and Bat Mitzvahs regularly and are seeing lots of great ideas. We would like you to share what you see with our team, brainstorm on the latest trends and give feedback on what everyone is talking about.
What would I get?
To thank you for helping us, once at least 3 friends sign up, we have two items for you to make your Bar or Bat Mitzvah planning much easier:
- The Ultimate Bar Bat Mitzvah Guide – With over 2,700 stories on MitzvahMarket.com, this digital book is the best of the best in all areas of planning. It is currently selling $10.00 but yours for FREE!
- MitzvahOrganizer.com – Hundreds of families across the country are using our online planner and feel it’s “Simplied Their Simcha!” We will set you up with a FREE account – value $69.95. You can use it yourself or gift it to a friend.
How do I start?
Email us and we will send you your personal link so you can start getting your Mitzvah Mom friend’s on board. Here’s what your friends will get once they sign-up:
- A discount code for MitzvahOrganizer.com
- A copy of Mitzvah Market Magazine
- A copy of The Ultimate Bar Bat Mitzvah Guide
Email info@mitzvahmarket.com to get more info, ask questions, give suggestions. Know someone who should be a Mom-Bassador? Tell them to send us an email.