Daniel Rosengard is a 14-year-old originally from East Brunswick, N.J., who now lives in Texas. Although he is a typical teen in many ways, he likes ice hockey, sports and current events, unlike most teens he is also a published author.
Danny decided that for his Mitzvah Project he would write a book that would help children better understand Autism. Before his family moved to San Antonio, Rosengard was best friends with Adam Scharfman, whose younger brother, Matt, had been diagnosed with severe autism.
Pictured left to right: Daniel Rosengard, Matt and Adam Scharfman.
Through years of countless playdates, Danny came to learn firsthand what the disability does and how it can affect families. His book, “The ABC’s of Autism” was self-published by his mom, Susan Young. The book has been donated, not sold, to schools and libraries in San Antonio and in East Brunswick.
We spoke with Danny to learn first-hand about his project:
MM: Can you give us the details of your Mitzvah Project?
DR: I wanted to write a book about Autism because when I lived in New Jersey my best friend’s brother Matt had Autism. I spent a lot of time with them. Many kids don’t understand Autism because they are not around it.
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bar Mitzvah?
DR: I wanted elementary school kids to know what Autsim is and how it affects people. I dedicated the book to Matthew. I wrote: This book is dedicated to my friend Matthew, who has taught me that everything happens for a reason. At my Bar Mitzvah, I presented the book to my Rabbi who also has a daughter with Autism.
Danny’s has gained a lot of attention from his book, he is admired by Eva Longoria and the local ABC affiliate did a segment about him. Check the video out here.
If you would like to purchase Daniel’s book The ABC”s of Autisim, please click here. For information on Autism click here.
Danny, Adam and Matt are still in touch and Danny flew up to New Jersey last year to attend Matt’s Bar Mitzvah. We would like to thank Daniel for writing this wonderful book and sharing his experience with our Mitzvah Market readers.