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Mitzvah Project: Operation Computer

Mitzvah Project: Operation Computer


Bedford Middle School student Lindsey Felner (pictured left) celebrated her Bat Mitzvah in March, 2012 and came up with a great idea for her Mitzvah Project. She raised enough money to buy a computer for the residential housing at Cerebral Palsy of Westchester.

As you will learn, this residential housing facility is very special to her.

Please continue reading to learn more:



MM: Why did you decide to take on this Mitzvah Project?
LF: I don’t get to see my Uncle David as often as I’d like because he lives in residential housing at Cerebral Palsy of Westchester. I thought it would be nice to raise money to buy a computer for his entire residence, so my brother, sister and I can always be in touch with him.

Lindsey, Brother Ryan and Sister Samantha pose with their Uncle David (2 years ago)

MM: How did you go about raising money?
LF: Around the same time I was thinking of an idea for my Bat Mitzvah Project, my Uncle was learning how to use a computer and he started sending us a bunch of great emails. By reaching out to family and friends, I raised $1,000 as part of my Bat Mitzvah Project. My brother and sister helped me with this project and I donated all the money to the nonprofit group, which used it to buy a Dell computer for the residence.

MM: How did you go about telling the residence about your gift for them?
LF: My gift will also benefit the other 10 adults who live in the residence. I’m excited that they will now be able to email and video chat with their loved ones, whenever they want. I announced my donation during a holiday party at the center. Myself and five friends from the Westport Dance Center performed for the residents.

It was really exciting to be able to tell them. When I gave a speech that I raised the money, everyone started cheering. They were so happy and it made me feel really happy too.

MM: Will you continue to raise more money?
LF: After seeing the residents’ excitement, I have decided to raise more money to buy a computer for one of the center’s other residences and I hope one day to be able to buy a computer for all of the residences.

Lindsey, her brother and sister, Uncle David, and the girlfriends that danced in the show that night with her

We thank Lindsey for sharing her terrific Mitzvah Project with our readers. If anyone is interested in helping Lindsey raise more money for Cerebral Palsy of Westchester, contact her Mom, Michele Felner at

Posted in Projects