The Udine Family celebrated David and Matthew’s B’nai Mitzvah on February 19, 2011 at Congregation Kol Tikvah in Parkland, Florida. The reception was held at the Boca Raton Resort and Club later that evening.
We are excited to share their ideas with our Mitzvah Market readers.
All photography was done by Domino Arts Photography.
The rest of the vendor information is at the bottom of the spotlight.
Featured L-R Mom Stacey, Mitzvah boy Matthew, Mitzvah Boy David, Dad Michael (who is the Mayor of Parkland) and sister Lexi.
Below you can get a better look at Mom Stacey’s beautiful hunter green and navy beaded gown that had a low back from Zola Keller and Lexi’s iridescent purple gown from Mona’s Kids Clothing. The guys of the family look great in their matching purple velvet jackets dressed by Jonathan Reed in Coral Springs!
Younger sister Lexi looks adorable twirling in her dress
Not only can you read about the Udine’s celebration, but you can watch this video teaser about their event.
Watch here.
The theme was the “Luxe Life” and with the help of South Miami Event planner Sara Renee Lowell, Mom Stacey created a great club theme with cool white modern lounge furniture and draping.
Guests were greeted by this elegant table flanked by two great pictures of David and Matthew
A great poster of David hung against the white draping. We love how their creative logo incorporated both boys initials
Lucite chiavari chairs and linens called, Holy Moly created this elegant look
The beautiful white draping sectioned off different areas with white spandex on tables and chairs
The silver and black pillows in the lounge area added pop
We love this black and white dance floor
The menu cards elegantly incorporated the logo and you can get a better look at the unusual “Holy Moly” linens from Over The Top Linens
The centerpieces were lucite rods illuminated with LED lights that sat on a square mirror with additional vases and votive candles
A jumbotron was used to show the montage and the candle lighting videos. Instead of a traditional candle lighting ceremony, friends and family were asked to send their video production company a 30 second to 1 minute message for the boys which was edited and played for all the guests to see!
Matthew and David are not too big to be held by their mom
There was lots of dancing at this party for guests of all ages. The entertainers were the Hot Jam Dancers and Samba Dancers. This family really knows how to move!
Sister Lexi, one of the Samba Dancers and Dad Michael strike a pose
Mitzvah Mom Stacey enjoying a moment with son Matthew
No that is not one of the dancers that’s Mitzvah Mom Stacey…you go girl!
Bar Mitzvah boy Matthew and one of the Hot Jam Dancers
Here is another alternative to a Mitzvah cake. The family poses with their candle lighting display.
The Udine family posing with the boys during the candle lighting ceremony
Ready for some dessert? The dessert bar was complete with Stone Cold ice cream mixing stations as well as a full candy bar for the adults and kids.
The desserts were gorgeously displayed on glass blocks and take home bags and boxes were provided for the guests to fill with all the goodies
The boys’ Mitzvah Project was In Jacobs Shoes. It is an organization whose mission is to provide new and gently used shoes, school supplies and athletic equipment to economically disadvantaged youth. It was formed in loving memory of Jacob’s family, who are well respected members of the Udine’s community and temple.
Here is some advice from Mitzvah Mom Stacey:
“I survived the planning by taking one step at a time. I didn’t focus on the entire event. I took baby steps and it really worked. I kept the kids and my husband totally involved and it worked!”
Here is a list of vendors who helped make Matthew and David’s B’nai Mitzvah special. If you call any of them, please let them know you read about their services on MitzvahMarket.com.
Venue: The Boca Raton Resort and Club Ivette Savoie 561-445-6399
Party Planner: Sara Renee Lowell 954 326-8426
DJ: Ross at Rock With U Entertainment 954-321-9713
Band: Private Stock 954- 922-5448
Lighting/Jumbotron: Frost Lighting 954-957-8402
Dancers: Hot Jam Dancers 305-496-5899, Samba Dancers
Favors: It’s a Wrap, Olgui Lowell olguiplowell@aol.com 954-600-3397
Invitations: Salutations 561-477-8668
Linens: Over The Top Linens 954-424-4386
Decor/Florist: Lane from Dalsimer Florists 954-418-0608
Photographer: Domino Arts
Hair/Make-up: Steven Galeono 954-825-5873
Mom’s party dress Zola Keller 954-462-3222
Mom’s second dress: A Nose For Close 952-753-0202
Daughter’s Lexi’s Party dress: Mona’s Kids Clothing 954-346-0805
Lexi’s Temple dress: Neiman Marcus
Purple Velvet Jackets: Jonathan Reed in Coral Spring
Photo Favors: South Beach Photobooth Company