How do you incorporate your child’s love for history and the Constitution into their Bar or Bat Mitzvah?
The Berger family from the Philadelphia area had the answer to that question and they made sure their son Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah was the best in history….literally!
Jacob is a major history buff and was accepted into the Waterbound Program at Welsh Valley which is a lottery program that accepts a limited number of students. Through the program he was able to learn more about our nation’s history.
So when it came time to plan a reception there was only one place to have it – the National Constitutional Center.
Look at how the Bergers incorporated this fabulous theme into a great party. All photos taken by Ann Marie Casey Photography.
Here is the Bar Mitzvah Boy posing with one of his “friends,” Benjamin Franklin
As guests walked up the stairs you almost heard Paul Revere shout,”The guests are coming, the guests are coming!”
Walking into Constitution Hall there was no doubt whose party this was…check out the red, white and blue uplighting
Each centerpiece had something to do with the theme, this one was Ben Franklin’s kite and key
The cocktail table centerpieces were simple and patriotic
The room was decorated in very patriotic colors of red, white and blue. The U.S. flag which always hangs in the room adds just the right touch of WOW!!
Jacob’s Dad got into the action with patriotic themed giveaways
These special lamps were made by Mom Lynda. The family owns a printing company called, Color Reflections and was able to do some of these great touches themselves!
Here is a picture of Jacob as a patriot in a lamp that Mom made which glowed all night
The goody bags featured a label that read: “Thanks for sharing in Jacob’s special day”
The appropriate Mitzvah cake!
With the help of Campbell Studios, we think the Berger family did an amazing job!