By Tara Silberg
It’s Tara, telling YOU what’s happening on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit today. Last time I wrote about dresses and what’s in for this coming season, this time it’s all about cakes!
I have done some fun reporting for this blog and my recent trip to attend The Cake Boss Show at Westbury Music Fair in Westbury, New York was no different.
I went with Mitzvah Market’s Sheri Lapidus, and a few others including one of my closest friends, Julia. Now this wasn’t any ordinary show, it was an interactive, upbeat, all-around enjoyable performance.
The best part? The star, Buddy Valastro.
Yes, the Cake Boss himself. If you don’t know already, Buddy stars in TLC’s The Cake Boss and has showed his baking and cake decorating talent from an early age. He owns multiple bakeries and is often asked to teach his craft all around the country.
In this show, Buddy called upon many volunteers from the audience. They ranged from young girls to men in their 40’s. These volunteers demonstrated their skills by decorating all-ready baked cupcakes and cookies. Of course, the best cupcake in the end was Buddy’s.
Buddy made an exciting announcement at the show. Carlos’ Bakery will now deliver to a 60 mile radius. So those readers in the metropolitan area can get a specialty cake delivered to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah!
This Carlo’s Bakery cake is from the Reisman Family Spotlight
This Carlos’ Bakery creation is from the Erica Levy Mitzvah Family Spotlight
This was really a great trip because I got to know a little bit more about the man behind the cakes, and I had a blast. They also have quite a few stores in New Jersey, if you live close enough.
I just want to say thank you to Sheri and my friends that let me come along with them to this great show.
Till next time…On The Circuit With Tara.
About Tara Silberg
I’m in 7th grade at Jericho Middle School and I love art. When I say art, I’m talking about photography, painting, and drawing. I also love music. When I feel stressed, I listen to my iPod to calm down. I will most likely attend between 60-70 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs before I finish 8th grade. I’m excited to be reporting from “The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Circuit” for Mitzvah Market.com.