As many of you know, the Mitzvah Market team is made up of real-life Mitzvah planning Moms who are not only planning their own children’s Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, but are attending many themselves!
We recently saw a unique candle lighting idea and wanted to share it with our readers.
The All-Inclusive Candle Lighting!
The Kaufmans wanted to include as many guests as possible in their daughter Madeline’s candle lighting ceremony. They accomplished this by placing unlit votive candles on all the adult guests tables.
As Maddie read each poem honoring family and friends, guests were asked to each light the candle in front of them on their individual tables.
This was combined with a traditonal candle lighting in which all the kids and then the immediate family were able to come up to the cake to light candles as well.
If you have an unusual candle lighting idea, please let us know at info@MitzvahMarket.com.
Just type “candle lighting” into the search bar on our Website’s homepage to see our other candle lighting stories.