Creative Bar Bat Mitzvah Cakes | MitzvahMarket

The Best Of…Mitzvah Family Spotlight Bar Bat Mitzvah Cakes

The Best Of…Mitzvah Family Spotlight Bar Bat Mitzvah Cakes

With over 300 Mitzvah Family Spotlight stories since 2008, and new features each week, we know it’s hard to remember everything these creative families have done to celebrate their child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah milestone event.

Many families get creative with their Bar and Bat Mitzvah details. We love showcasing creative invitationslogosfashionentrancesplace cards and themes.

Bar Bat Mitzvah cakes not only taste good, but can tie into your child’s theme, colors, name and even initials.

Here’s a round-up of some of the creative cakes that have been featured! Enjoy…

Bar Mitzvah Cakes

Bat Mitzvah Cakes

B’nai Mitzvah Cakes

We hope all these delicious cakes didn’t make you too hungry! Remember, if you are interested in participating in a Mitzvah Family Spotlight story, let us know at [email protected].

You can also ask questions and get advice about cakes in our regional Bar Bat Mitzvah planning groups on Facebook. Join here.

Posted in Mitzvah Ideas, Cake/Food