City Green, Inc | MitzvahMarket | MitzvahMarket

City Green, Inc

Address: 171 Grove Street

Clifton, NJ 07013 

Phone: 973-869-4086


About City Green, Inc:

Towards this mission, City Green currently offers two programs which were both started in Paterson, NJ. New Ground is City Green’s neighborhood community garden program designed to facilitate the creation of community gardens in urban neighborhoods on vacant lots and at other community establishments. City Sprouts is their youth gardening program, taking place at schools, after school facilities and summer camps. City Sprouts works to teach city children the importance and wonder of nature, how food grows, the joy of cultivating plants, lessons about preserving the natural environment.

Their programs address the lack of open space in the city, the lack of opportunities for community collaboration and the minimal access to fresh produce.

Bnai Mitzvah Projects or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization for children ages 11 - 13:

Volunteer or project opportunities at City Green could include the following: Working directly with the youth City Green gardens with (at garden sites in Paterson):

* Assist in gardening days at after school or summer garden projects

* Read garden related stories to youth gardeners on gardening days

* Assist in other garden related projects with youth, such as nutrition lessons, environmental education lessons, or art projects in the garden

* Help prepare a recipe with youth gardeners using produce from their garden Working for City Green, not on site at gardens

* Organize tools, garden gloves, supplies etc.

* Clean and oil garden tools, paint City Green logo on tools

* Raise money on your own to purchase garden gloves, tools, hoses, or plants for City Green garden projects

* Collect used garden tools, flowerpots and other garden materials from your community for use in City Green garden projects

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