DIY Bar Bat Mitzvah Candle Lighting Idea | MitzvahMarket

Bar Bat Mitzvah DIY Candle Lighting Idea

Bar Bat Mitzvah DIY Candle Lighting Idea


Who better to find the latest and greatest for all things Bar Bat Mitzvahs than our own Mitzvah Moms!

Thank you to Mitzvah Market reader Roberta Lasky for sending us this great DIY video from Cleverly. If you have old CD cases lying around, they can be used to create photo cubes, which is a unique idea for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony.



Check out how easy it is to create photo cubes from CD cases:

Bar Bat Mitzvah candle lighting idea
Watch here

It is similar to another great candle lighting idea we featured a few years ago.

Bar Mitzvah Candle Lighting idea

These cubes are a great way to personalize each candle for your honorees!

If you have a great idea you would like to share with our readers, please send it to [email protected].

See more Mom Finds here.


Posted in Mitzvah Ideas, Candle Lighting, Mitzvah Ideas, Unique Finds & DIY and tagged .